Small Meeting Room
The Garden City Public Library has one small meeting room/conference room available for public use during Library hours. The room is equipped with a sink, a conference table, a dry erase board, ten (10) chairs, and wireless internet.
Reserve your meeting time by clicking here: Reserve a time slot.
No group may reserve the meeting room more than 12 hours a month. You will receive a confirmation email from SetMore, our reservation system, noting that your request has been received.
Study Rooms
The Garden City Public Library has two (2) study rooms available for public use during Library hours. The larger study room holds up to four (4) patrons, the smaller study room holds up to two (2) patrons.
Rooms may be used a maximum of six (6) hours per week, not to exceed three (3) hours in one day. You will receive a confirmation email from SetMore, our reservation system, noting that your request has been received.
Please review our complete Room Reservation and Use Guidelines to make sure you know the rules for using the meeting room or study rooms.